Commit to the Reconciliation Journey

There are many ways that you can take action on this reconciliation journey:
In your personal life: continue to learn and participate; talk with family and friends about what you have learned; encourage them to take the Journey of our Generation workshop; learn some words in Hul'q'umi'num' language.
In your work life: start a dialogue with like-minded colleagues; review how your organization's mission, goals and activities may reinforce systemic racism; challenge racist attitudes and stereotypes when they arise; commit your staff to improve cultural competency and safety skills.
In your community: look for the barriers to First Nations community members; invite an Elder to open your activities or events; start a book club or reading circle.
150 Acts of Reconciliation was put together by Crystal Fraser and Sara Komarnisky leading up to Canada's celebration of 150th anniversary. Start at the beginning, start in the middle, just get started!
There are MANY resources available. Here are just few to get you started:
Who's Land Is It Anyway: A Manual for Decolonization - Inspired by Arthur Manuel, this free book contains essays from leading indigenous writers including Manuel, Taiaiake Alfred, Glen Coulthard, Russell Diabo, Beverly Jacobs, Melina Laboucan-Massimo, Kanahus Manuel, Jeffrey McNeil-Seymour, Pamela Palmater, Shiri Pasternak, Nicole Schabus, Senator Murray Sinclair, and Sharon Venne.
​First Nations 101 - Tons of stuff you need to know about First Nations people - Lynda Gray - An easy to read primer that provides readers with a broad overview of the diverse and complex lives of First Nations people.
First Peoples: A Guide for Newcomers - A useful resource produced by the City of Vancouver to provide clear information in simple language about the First Peoples in Vancouver. It introduces newcomers to who are Aboriginal people (or First Peoples) in Vancouver and Canada; a brief overview of the relationship between the Government of Canada and First Peoples; and current initiatives and ways for newcomers to learn more about Aboriginal people in the community.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Calls to Action - Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future: Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and 94 Calls to Action.
CBC Beyond 94 - Measures our progress on the TRC's 94 Calls to Action.
Reading Lists:
Read for Reconciliation - A book list of Adult Fiction, Adult Non-Fiction, and Children's/Teens available at the Vancouver Island Regional Library.
Further Readings - A list of books, academic articles, online articles and video lectures from the Journal Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education and Society.
​Indigenous Authors Recommend Books All Canadians Should Read - Episode of CBC's Unreserved
Unreserved - ​CBC radio program - Unreserved host Rosanna Deerchild and reporter Connie Walker take you behind the scenes of the top trending stories from Indigenous Canada.
Cultural Safety and Humility Webinars - A series of 12 webinars on topics related to cultural safety and cultural humility organized by the First Nations Health Authority and BC Patient Safety & Quality Council to encourage participation, learning, self-reflection and positive change among BC's healthcare professionals.
​​The Story of the Coast Salish Knitters - National Film Board
Hul'q'umi'num Language resources:
First Voices - Hul'q'umi'num language community portal
School District 79 - Aboriginal Education Language resources
Hul'q'umi'num Treaty Process:
The Great Land Grab, Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group
Consultation Policy, Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group
​Getting to 100%: Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group
History of the Cowichan Valley:
The Great Land Grab - Understanding the significance of the Esquimalt & Nanaimo Land Grants on Coast Salish and Nuu-Chah-Nulth territory
Other Resources:​
21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act - Bob Joseph
Native Lands - A map of Indigenous territories and languages. The site also includes information about territory acknowledgement and a teacher's guide to using the maps.
Guide to Indigenous Tourism in Canada - 2017/18 Guide to Indigenous Tourism in Canada tells the story of ITAC members and their businesses by emphasizing the importance of distinct community voices. The guide highlights storytelling as a way of expression and connects the profiles of each of the members to both the individuals and their communities.