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"Thu-it [Truth] starts with Thu-itstuhw [Telling the Truth]"

Immerse yourself on a journey in a multi-media experience that takes you through time. Travel through over 150 years of colonial history and the impacts it had and continues to have on Indigenous communities, families and individuals. Told through archival material, news and the stories and experiences of a group of Quw'utsun' Elders, participants will have the opportunity to reconsider learned history and discover Thu-it - Truth.  


Thu-it (pronounced Tha eet) debuted September 7 to October 6 2022 at the Cowichan Valley Arts Council gallery.


Watch for news about the Saltspring Island Thu-it exhibit in 2024! 

What to Expect:


  • Walk-Through Multi-Media Exhibit – In the Gallery - A self-guided walk through history from this current moment to explore history and contemporary reconciliation themes. Presented through images, audio and video. 

  • Indigenous Excellence and Youth Art Exhibit - In the Annex – Indigenous Excellence is highlighted and youth explore current reconciliation themes through visual and digital art. 

  • Immersive 3-Hour Guided Session - In the Studio – Book a ticket to join a small group for a 3-hour immersive experience. The session will take you back in time to explore life in Cowichan pre-contact and journey through colonial history to present day. Inspired by Jann Derrick's work, the circle and the box, participants will move through the structures of western and Indigenous systems. Through a blend of in person and video, Quw’utsun’ Elders will share their personal stories and cultural teachings through digital media, including historical and current images, audio and video. There will be time at the end for reflection and dialogue. 

Content/Trigger Warning: The Thu-it installation and exhibit touches on potentially triggering and disturbing content, including Indian Residential Schools, Indian Hospitals, Genocidal policies, Colonial impacts and Ongoing Harm. 


Remember Lulumathuch - Please take good care of yourself. As the content of Thu-it can be heavy, the Elders recommend doing something that grounds you after you have participated – walk on the beach or in nature, have a bath, reach out to a friend.

© 2024 by Quw'utsun' Cultural Connections Society. Created with

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