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Xpey' (Cedar)
Restoration and Protection
Image by Ehsan ahmadnejad

​This project is taking actions to mitigate the loss of Xpey' (Cedar), a cultural keystone species, that is threatened by climate change and land development. We are engaging youth and Elders to revitalize traditional cultural practices for the stewardship and use of Xpey' through reconnecting youth to cultural knowledge and teachings about the land. The project will:


  • Honour the past by planting cedar trees and restoring the conditions for cedar ecosystems to thrive throughout our region. Trees will be planted throughout the region on family lands, community lands, and private lands so that cedar will be cared for, stewarded and used by future generations for harvesting and other cultural uses. This will be done in a ceremonial way to honour and acknowledge the children who lost their lives at residential schools.

  • Heal the present by building family and neighbourhood resiliency and addressing climate grief and loss

  • Give to the future by documenting and sharing cultural knowledge about the significance of Xpey'.


Check out a slide show of images from some of our xpey' project activities this past year, including Family planting days and a Xpey' knowledge Gathering.


Read more about this project in this recent Discourse article.


Donations gratefully accepted via CanadaHelps secure online payment

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